
ABSTRACTβ‐Glucan can be solubilized from barley by warm water, with increasing solubilization as the temperature is increased. Substantially less glucan is extracted if the barley is dehusked using sulfuric acid, particularly if the dehusked barley is denatured. This indicates that enzymes capable of solubilizing glucan are present in barley. Various purified enzymes promote the solubilization of glucan from denatured and dehusked barley. Apart from endo‐β‐(1→3)(1→4)‐glucanase, these enzymes include endo‐xylanases, arabinofuranosidase, xyloacetylesterase, and feruloyl esterase. Ferulic acid and, probably, acetyl groups are esterlinked to arabinoxylan, not β‐glucan, in the cell walls of barley starchy endosperm, so the ability of the esterases, xylanases, and arabinofuranosidase to solubilize glucan indicates the pentosan component of the cell wall can restrict the extraction of glucan.

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