
A new magic-angle spinning NMR method for distance determination between unlike spins, where one of the two spins in question is not irradiated at all, is introduced. Relaxation-induced dipolar exchange with recoupling (RIDER) experiments can be performed with conventional double-resonance equipment and utilize the familiar pi-pulse trains to recouple the heteronuclear dipolar interaction under magic-angle spinning conditions. Longitudinal relaxation of the passive spin during a delay between two recoupling periods results in a dephasing of the heteronuclear coherence and consequently a dephasing of the magnetization detected after the second recoupling period. The information about the dipolar coupling is obtained by recording normalized dephasing curves in a fashion similar to the REDOR experiment. At intermediate mixing times, the dephasing curves also depend on the relaxation properties of the passive spin, i.e., on single- and double-quantum longitudinal relaxation times for the case of I = 1 nuclei, and these relaxation times can be estimated with this new method. To a good approximation, the experiment does not depend on possible quadrupolar interactions of the passive spin, which makes RIDER an attractive method when distances to quadrupolar nuclei are to be determined. The new method is demonstrated experimentally with (14)N and (2)H as heteronuclei and observation of (13)C in natural abundance. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

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