
The objective of this scientific article is to analyze the legitimacy of the Officer in charge of theMilitary Police Investigation to request the Financial Intelligence Report (RIF) directly fromthe Financial Activities Control Council (COAF). For this, we sought to address the importanceof using the RIF in the definition of the investigation strategy of financial crimes, the expansionof the definition of military crime arising from Law n. 13,491/2017, which transformed, amongmany others, the crime popularly known as “money laundering” into a military crime, requiringgreater specialization of the investigative instruments used in military internal affairs. Finally,to demonstrate that the person in charge of the military police investigation and the police chiefperform similar functions in the criminal investigation, both enjoying legal attribution to usethe special instruments of criminal investigation in their investigations. This is an exploratoryresearch, of a qualitative nature and deductive method, using bibliographic and documentaryresearch. It can be seen that the traditional instruments for the production of evidence used inthe military sphere have proved to be insufficient for the investigation of the complex crimesthat currently contribute to the military internal affairs, due to the expansion of the concept ofmilitary crime, being imperative to use them in Military Police Inquiry (IPM) of specialinvestigative instruments provided for in national legislation. In this way, it is concluded thatthe Officer in charge of IPM has the legitimacy to request the RIF directly from COAF.Keywords: Financial Intelligence Report. RIF. Military Crime. Money laundry. Military PoliceInvestigation. MPI Financial Activities Control Council. COAF.

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