
We derive relativistic second-order dissipative fluid-dynamical equations of motion for massive spin-1/2 particles from kinetic theory using the method of moments. Besides the usual conservation laws for charge, energy, and momentum, such a theory of relativistic dissipative spin hydrodynamics features an equation of motion for the rank-3 spin tensor, which follows from the conservation of total angular momentum. Extending the conventional method of moments for spin-0 particles, we expand the spin-dependent distribution function near local equilibrium in terms of moments of the momentum and spin variables. We work to next-to-leading order in the Planck constant $\hbar$. As shown in previous work, at this order in $\hbar$ the Boltzmann equation for spin-1/2 particles features a nonlocal collision term. From the Boltzmann equation, we then obtain an infinite set of equations of motion for the irreducible moments of the deviation of the single-particle distribution function from local equilibrium. In order to close this system of moment equations, a truncation procedure is needed. We employ the "14+24-moment approximation", where "14" corresponds to the components of the charge current and the energy-momentum tensor and "24" to the components of the spin tensor, which completes the derivation of the equations of motion of second-order dissipative spin hydrodynamics. For applications to heavy-ion phenomenology, we also determine dissipative corrections to the Pauli-Lubanski vector.

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