
The paper presents a variety of classes of interior solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations for a static, spherically symmetric distribution of a charged fluid of well-behaved nature. They describe perfect fluid balls with positive finite central pressure and density; their ratio is less than one (c = 1), and the causality condition is obeyed at the center. The outmarch of pressure, density, pressuredensity ratio and the adiabatic speed of sound is a monotonic decrease, in a physically appealing manner. A certain class of these well-behaved solutions is studied extensively. For this class, the mass of the configuration is maximized. In particular, for a surface density ρb = 2×1014 g/cm3 we obtain a star with a maximummass of 3.47M⊙, a radius of 15.21 km and the central redshift 1.014385.

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