
Angular distribution, asymmetry function, and polarization of the outgoing nucleons in deuteron photodisintegration are investigated employing the relativistic one-body charge density and two-body charge and current density effects with local and nonlocal contributions in pseudoscalar and pseudovector pion-nucleon couplings, and comparison is made with available experimental data. The angular distribution and polarization coefficients are reported for the super-soft core, Paris, Yale, and Hamada-Johnston potentials. The relativistic one-body and two-body corrections to the charge density increase the isotropic component of the angular distribution at lower energies but decrease it at higher energies. The changes in the polarization parameters are nearly the same for all the potentials, and all the potentials are found to reproduce the angular distribution, asymmetry function, and polarization of outgoing nucleons quite well at low and medium gamma ray energies.

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