
The recent {sup 208}Pb({ital e},{ital e}{sup {prime}}{ital p}){sup 207}Tl data from NIKHEF-K at high missing momentum ({ital p}{sub {ital m}}{approx_gt}300 MeV/{ital c}) are compared to theoretical results obtained with a fully relativistic formalism previously applied to analyze data on the low missing momentum ({ital p}{sub {ital m}}{lt}300 MeV/{ital c}) region. The same relativistic optical potential and mean-field wave functions are used in the two {ital p}{sub {ital m}} regions. The spectroscopic factors of the various shells are extracted from the analysis of the low-{ital p}{sub {ital m}} data and then used in the high-{ital p}{sub {ital m}} region. In contrast to previous analyses using a nonrelativistic mean-field formalism, we do not find a substantial deviation from the mean-field predictions other than that of the spectroscopic factors, which appear to be consistent with both low- and high-{ital p}{sub {ital m}} data. We find that the difference between results of relativistic and nonrelativistic formalisms is enhanced in the {ital p}{sub {ital m}}{lt}0 region that will be interesting to explore experimentally. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}

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