
The acute toxicity (96-hr LC 50) of carbophenothion, chlorpyrifos, and fenvalerate to six estuarine fishes was determined in flow-through laboratory tests. The atherinid fishes ( Menidia menidia, M. peninsulae, M. beryllina, and Leuresthes tenuis) consistently were among the most sensitive species tested and were similar to each other in their sensitivity to pesticides. The sensitivity of sheepshead minnows ( Cyprinodon variegatus) to carbophenothion was the same as that of the atherinids. For fenvalerate, the sheepshead minnow LC 50 was an order of magnitude greater than that of the most sensitive atherinid, whereas the LC 50 for chlorpyrifos and sheepshead minnows was two orders of magnitude greater. Gulf toadfish ( Opsanus beta) were the least sensitive fish tested with carbophenothion and chlorpyrifos and their 96-hr LC 50 for fenvalerate ranked between the LC 50 for sheepshead minnows and atherinids. Test results were compared to acute toxicity data for other estuarine fishes and invertebrates.

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