
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) reflectometry leverages signals of opportunity to remotely sense the Earth's surface for a variety of science investigations. However, ionospheric refraction affects GNSS reflections detected at low Earth orbit (LEO). While multifrequency GNSS enables the elimination of most of the ionospheric error, single-frequency missions are still susceptible to this ranging delay. Motivated by the planned launch of Cyclone GNSS (CYGNSS) in 2016, a single-frequency reflectometry mission, this letter presents a simulation of the relative ionospheric delay that will shift the Delay-Doppler Map (DDM) data product. A mathematical model is presented that defines and characterizes signal propagation delay in the DDM. The model differentiates direct and reflected signals as a sum of path lengths, atmospheric refraction effects, and noise. We simulate representative ionospheric delays from the model associated with the direct and reflected ray paths as a function of satellite elevation angle, latitude, and solar activity. Simulation using the International Reference Ionosphere 2007 shows that differential ionospheric content is inversely proportional to satellite elevation angle and that low latitudes present larger ionospheric impacts on the reflected signals. Finally, high solar activity conditions lift the ionospheric density profile to and possibly above the CYGNSS orbit altitude of 500 km. The ionospheric delay will not generally affect the estimation of wind speed but may affect the CYGNSS signal acquisition and open loop tracking process. Implications of the ionospheric delay in other GNSS reflectometry applications are also discussed.

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