
The intensities for L i ( i = 1–3) subshell X-ray lines have been computed relative to the most intense line in each series, for elements with 30 ⩽ Z ⩽ 92, from published X-ray emission rates based on the Dirac–Fock (DF) model. In the case of M i ( i = 1–5) subshell X-ray lines, complete sets of emission rates based on both the Dirac–Hartree–Slater and the DF models have been generated for elements with 65 ⩽ Z ⩽ 92 by logarithmic interpolation of the data available for a limited number of elements. The intensities for different M X-ray lines have been computed relative to the most intense line in each series using these two sets of emission rates. The L i ( i = 1–3) and M i ( i = 1–5) subshell X-ray relative intensities computed from the DF model based emission rates have been least-squares-fitted to polynomials in the atomic number for use in software packages for quantitative elemental analysis using X-ray emission techniques and for other applications.

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