
We present here a cell model for evaluating Gibbs energy barriers corresponding to bimolecular reactions (or processes of larger molecularity) in which a loss of translational degrees of freedom takes place along the reaction coordinate. With this model, we have studied the Walden inversion processes: Xa- + H3CXb --> XaCH3 + Xb- (X = F, Cl, Br, and I). In these processes, our model yields an increase of about 2.3-3.4 kcal/mol in Gibbs energy in solution corresponding to the loss of the translational degrees of freedom when passing from separate reactants to the TS in good agreement with experimental data. The corresponding value in the gas phase is about 6.7-7.1 kcal/mol. When the difference between these two figures is used to correct the results obtained by the standard UAHF implementation of the continuum model, the theoretical results are brought significantly closer to the experimental ones. This seems to indicate that for these reactions the parametrization used does not adequately introduce the increase in Gibbs energy corresponding to the constriction of the translational motion of the species along the reaction coordinate when passing from the gas phase to solution. Therefore, we believe that continuum models could perform much better if we released the parametrization process from the task of taking into account the constriction in translation motion in solution, which could be more adequately evaluated using the cell model proposed here, thus allowing it to focus on better reproducing all the remaining solvation effects.

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