
General conditions for the existence of stable, minimum energy configurations in the full N-body problem are derived and investigated. Then the minimum energy and stable configurations for the spherical, equal mass full body problem are investigated for \(N = 2, 3, 4\). This problem is defined as the dynamics of finite density spheres which interact gravitationally and through surface forces. This is a variation of the gravitational N-body problem in which the bodies are not allowed to come arbitrarily close to each other (due to their finite density), enabling the existence of resting configurations in addition to orbital motion. Previous work on this problem has outlined an efficient and simple way in which the stability of configurations in this problem can be defined. This methodology is reviewed and derived in a new approach and then applied to multiple body problems. In addition to this, new results on the Hill stability of these configurations are examined and derived. The study of these configurations is important for understanding the mechanics and morphological properties of small rubble pile asteroids. These results can also be generalized to other configurations of bodies that interact via field potentials and surface contact forces.

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