
The relative contribution of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) dissolution versus matrix diffusion processes to the longevity of chlorinated source zones was investigated. Matrix diffusion is being increasingly recognized as an important non-DNAPL component of source behavior over time, and understanding the persistence of contaminants that have diffused into lower permeability units can impact remedial decision-making. In this study, a hypothetical DNAPL source zone architecture consisting of several different sized pools and fingers originally developed by Anderson et al. (1992) was adapted to include defined low permeability layers. A coupled dissolution–diffusion model was developed to allow diffusion into these layers while in contact with DNAPL, followed by diffusion out of these same layers after complete DNAPL dissolution. This exercise was performed for releases of equivalent masses (675kg) of three different compounds, including chlorinated solvents with solubilities ranging from low (tetrachloroethene (PCE)), moderate (trichloroethene (TCE)) to high (dichloromethane (DCM)). The results of this simple modeling exercise demonstrate that matrix diffusion can be a critical component of source zone longevity and may represent a longer-term contributor to source longevity (i.e., longer time maintaining concentrations above MCLs) than DNAPL dissolution alone at many sites. For the hypothetical TCE release, the simulation indicated that dissolution of DNAPL would take approximately 38years, while the back diffusion from low permeability zones could maintain the source for an additional 83years. This effect was even more dramatic for the higher solubility DCM (97% of longevity due to matrix diffusion), while the lower solubility PCE showed a more equal contribution from DNAPL dissolution vs. matrix diffusion. Several methods were used to describe the resulting source attenuation curves, including a first-order decay model which showed that half-life of mass discharge from the matrix-diffusion dominated phase is in the range of 13 to 29years for TCE. Because the mass discharge rate shifts significantly over time once DNAPL dissolution is complete, a Power-Law model was shown to be useful, especially at later stages when matrix diffusion dominates. An assessment of mass distribution showed that while relatively small percentages of the initial source mass diffused into the low permeability compartment, this mass was sufficient to sustain concentrations above drinking water standards for decades. These data show that relatively typical conditions (e.g., 50-year-old release, moderate to high solubility contaminant) are consistent with late stage sources, where mass in low permeability matrices serves as the primary source, and fit the conceptual model that mass in low permeability zones is important when evaluating source longevity.

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