
Relationships between stand growth and structural diversity were examined in spruce-dominated forests in New Brunswick, Canada. Net growth, survivor growth, mortality, and recruitment represented stand growth, and tree species, size, and height diversity indices were used to describe structural diversity. Mixed-effects second-order polynomial regressions were employed for statistical analysis. Results showed stand structural diversity had a significant positive effect on net growth and survivor growth by volume but not on mortality and recruitment. Among the tested diversity indices, the integrated diversity of tree species and height contributed most to stand net growth and survivor growth. Structural diversity showed increasing trends throughout the developmental stages from young, immature, mature, and overmature forest stands. This relationship between stand growth and structural diversity may be due to stands featuring high structural diversity that enhances niche complementarities of resource use because trees exist within different horizontal and vertical layers, and strong competition resulted from size differences among trees. It is recommended to include effects of species and structural diversity in forest growth modeling initiatives. Moreover, uneven-aged stand management in conjunction with selective or partial cutting to maintain high structural diversity is also recommended to maintain biodiversity and rapid growth in spruce-dominated forests.

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