
Teleconnections between the seasonal rainfall anomalies of March through May (“long-rains”) over eastern Africa (Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania) and the lower equatorial stratospheric (30-mb) zonal winds for the 32-year period 1964–1995 are examined using statistical methods. The analysis is based on the application of the simple correlation method and QBO/rainfall composite analysis. A statistical study of spatial correlation patterns is made in an effort to understand the climatic associations between the equatorial stratospheric zonal wind and regional rainfall at the interannual scale. The aim of this analysis is to establish whether this global signal can be employed as predictor variable in the long-range forecasts. The study is part of an ongoing investigation, which aims at designing a comprehensive and objective, multi-variate-forecast system of seasonal rainfall over eastern Africa. The correlation parameters include simultaneous (zero lag), and the non-zero lag correlations. The statistical significance of the correlation coefficient [r] is tested based on the Monte Carlo t-statistical method, and the standard correlation tables.

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