
Relatively high levels of dihydrozeatin and trans‐zeatin were detected in unstratified seeds of Acer saccharum Marsh. Both cytokinins increased substantially over the first 20 days of stratification at 5°C and then fell rapidly to values well below original levels by first germination on day 55. In seeds held at 20°C, a non‐afterripening temperature, cytokinin levels remained constant for the first 10 days and then declined to their lowest levels by day 20. Levels of putrescine, spermidine and spermine in the radicles and cotyledons did not change during the full course of the afterripening process, but large increments were noted during radicle emergence. A large increase in ethylene production at germination suggests that competition for S‐adenosyl‐methionine by the ethylene and polyamine biosynthetic pathways did not inhibit synthesis of ethylene or polyamines during seedling emergence and establishment. In seeds stratified at 20°C, ethylene showed an exceptionally large peak early in the stratification period, but polyamine contents remained low throughout the test. The present results are consistent with the hypothesis that cytokinins play a significant role in overcoming the metabolic block present in dormant seeds. This conclusion is supported by data showing that high levels of cytokinins develop concurrently with the start of tissue differentiation and at the time when abscisic acid and phenolic inhibitors decline in stratifying seeds. Changes in ethylene and polyamine contents did not correlate with any events in the afterripening process; however, large increases in levels of these substances were closely associated with the germinative process and, in the case of polyamines, specifically with the start of cell division.

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