
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death for women worldwide. Chronic inflammation and risk factors, such as obesity, smoking, and high cholesterol, are well-established risk factors for CHD. Little is known, however, about the mechanisms by which psychosocial factors, such as general anger proneness (trait anger) and anger expression style, may be associated with proinflammatory processes that contribute to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in women. Our purpose in conducting this study was to examine the relationship of trait anger and anger expression to the proinflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein (CRP). A cross-sectional between-groups design was used to determine differences in serum levels of CRP in 42 American postmenopausal women, ages 45 to 65, who scored high on the selected anger characteristics, compared with women with lower scores. We did not find differences between high anger women and low anger women in mean levels of CRP, but we did find significant inverse relationships between CRP and some anger control characteristics. Specific health-promoting anger coping behaviors could minimize the deleterious effects of inflammatory responses in postmenopausal women.

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