
Medicago pironae Vis. and M. daghestanica Rupr. are related to the extent that viable F1 hybrids can be easily obtained. These species should, therefore, be grouped taxonomically closer than has been done in the past. Their relationship to M. sativa L. is more remote, as judged by failure in hybridization. The M. pironae × M. daghestanica F1 hybrids were completely self-sterile and sterile on backcrossing to both parents. Pollen of the hybrids was close to 100% protoplasm-empty. Meiosis proceeded irregularly in 55% of metaphase I and diakinesis cells. At AI and All chromatin bridges were observed in 65% and 90% of cells, respectively. At pachytene, strands of unequal lengths and different chromomere patterns indicated cryptic chromosomal or genie dissimilarities.

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