
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to determine the interaction of the institutions of suretyship, property suretyship and bankruptcy in the national legislation. Also, solving a number of problems faced by the creditor when implementing a claim secured by a guarantee, in particular, a property claim. Methodology. From among the philosophical, general scientific and special scientific methods, the following were used: the logical-semantic method for in-depth clarification of the criteria for the distribution of institutions in civil law, the formal-logical and systemic-structural methods used in the presentation of judgments, analysis of the content of current legal acts of civil law legislation, on the basis of which the legal regulation of the construction of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations in civil law is carried out. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is the first time to analyze and generalize the problem of the interaction of surety, property surety and bankruptcy institutions. The results. The author investigated the relationship between the legal institutions of bankruptcy, suretyship, and property suretyship and concluded that in order to understand the relationship between these institutions, it is necessary to determine their relationship in the event of the insolvency of not only the debtor, but also the guarantor. For example, in case of insolvency of the main debtor, the risk will be directed to the guarantor, that is why, in the case of bankruptcy of the debtor, the connection between the institutions of bankruptcy and the guarantor is quite logical. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in law-making activities to improve the legislation on ensuring the fulfillment of obligations, namely in determining the relationship of such legal institutions as bankruptcy and suretyship; in the educational process - in the development of teaching aids, methodical materials from the educational discipline "Civil Law of Ukraine".

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