
India anticipates receiving a demographic dividend because it has the largest working population in the world. However, a significant obstacle lies in its limited employment generation capacity. Eliminating poverty simultaneously is also crucial. Financial inclusion among youth should be emphasized in the fight against poverty. A self-administered survey was used for data collection. The research was carried out in two distinct districts of Punjab—GURDASPUR, and JALANDHAR—at two distinct commerce colleges. The sample for this study consists of young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 who are enrolled in post secondary education in the commerce field. A sample of 100 young people from commerce colleges in the cities of Jalandhar and Gurdaspur was chosen in the case of awareness of online banking, Result reveals that there is a strong correlation between respondent categories (economically independent versus economically dependent) in three of the variables: opening an account, paying utility bills online, and online shopping. Opening an account, paying utility bills, checking balance, and transferring money are the four uses of mobile banking that have a significant correlation with the respondent's economic independence or dependence. In the caseof online banking awareness, there is a strong correlation between the respondent's annual family income and three variables: opening an account, checking balance, and paying utility bills. In terms of mobile banking awareness, there is a significant correlation between openingan account, checking the balance, transferring money, and paying utility bills. In all cases, thereis a strong correlation between the respondent's annual family income and the use of online banking

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