
We examined the relationship of auditory discrimination ability, as measured by the Speech Sounds Perception and the Seashore Rhythm tests of the Halstead‐Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (HRNB), to Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐Revised (WISC‐R) subtest performance with 1,024 children referred for learning difficulties. Results of a canonical analysis for the HRNB auditory discrimination measures with the WISC‐R subtests yielded two significant canonical correlations. Interpretable WISC‐R subtests included Digit Span, Arithmetic, Information, and Block Design for the first canonical correlation. The Similarities and Information subtests were interpretable variables in the second canonical correlation. Results are discussed in view of the underlying constructs of the interpretable subtests’ relationship to auditory discrimination ability. These data suggest that examination of specific WISC‐R subtests is useful in evaluating children referred for learning disabilities.

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