
This report examines three aspects of adipokinetic hormone (AKH) involvement in migratory flight behavior in the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes. The titer of hemolymph AKH I during long-duration tethered flight was examined using radioimmunoassay (RIA) after narrow bore RP-HPLC. The hemolymph fraction containing AKH I was assayed using commercially available anti-Tyr1-AKH I serum. Titer determinations of hemolymph AKH were done at rest and after various periods of flight. The amount of AKH I released from the corpora cardiaca during flight was estimated. When resting levels of AKH I and II in corpora cardiaca (CC) of migrants and non-migrants were examined with HPLC, no significant differences in AKH levels were detected between non-migrants, animals that had flown for 1 h to identify them as migrants, and animals that had flown to exhaustion (i.e., voluntary cessation). CC levels of both AKH I and II were less in this species than in locusts. When the lipid mobilization in response to AKH I and II was compared in migrants (animals that had self-identified as migrants in a 1-h tethered flight test) and non-migrants (animals that would not perform a 1-h flight in a tethered flight test), the adipokinetic response to AKH I was greater in migrants than in non-migrants, possibly indicating differences in level of sensitivity or number of receptors in the target tissues. AKH II had little effect on hemolymph lipid levels in either flight group, and may not play a significant role in lipid mobilization in this species.

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