
Quality of a child can be assessed by process of development. The development is one of the indicators in monitoring the health of child. Child development includes social personal development, motor, coarse language, and fine motor skills. It is estimated that more than 200 million children in developing countries fail to reach their optimal development potential due to poverty, malnutrition, or an unsupportive environment, which affects children's cognitive, motor, emotional, and social development. This study aims to determine the relationship between mother's knowledge about growth and development of toddlers with cognitive development of toddlers in the working area of ​​Mungkajang Health Center, Palopo city. The research design used a cross sectional study. The number of samples is 82 people. The results of the study using the test chi-square showed that the p-value = 0.000 was smaller than the value of = 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge about growth and development of toddlers and cognitive development of toddlers in the working area of ​​Mungkajang Public Health Center, Palopo City. It is recommended for parents to always increase knowledge about child development so that children's cognitive development can be maximized. Keywords: Knowledge of Growth and Development; Cognitive Development; Toddler

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