
The workload is a condition where workers are faced with tasks that should be completed at a certaintime. The excess workload can cause work stress. This often occurs in emergency room nurses where theemergency room nurse is part of the hospital which is the first destination for patients who experience anemergency to get first aid immediately. This study aims to identify the relationship between workload andwork stress of nurses in the emergency room at North Lombok District General Hospital. In this study,researchers used a total sampling technique and obtained a sample of 27 nurses. The instrument used inmeasuring workload and work stress is a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using the SpearmanRank Test statistical test. The results of this study using data analysis with the Spearman Rank Test statisticaltest can be seen from the relationship between workload and work stress which is determined by the resultsof workload analysis (quantitative) with work stress (physical) p = 0.041; with a significance level of p<0.05, this indicates that there is a relationship between workload and work stress of the nurse in charge.The conclusion of this research shows that workload has a relationship with the work stress of the nurse incharge. This research is recommended for hospitals as a consideration for the hospital management to adjustthe workload with the abilities and expertise of nurses so that work stress does not occur.

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