
The research objective in this thesis is to determine how much the relationship between arm muscle strength and hand muscle strength on the passing results of men's volleyball volleyball Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020. The location of this research was conducted at Aek Nabara Barumun VC Volleyball Club. Data collection was started from 18 December - 27 December 2020. The sample of this study was male athletes who had been selected from the population with purposive sampling, totaling 10 people. The method used in this research is descriptive method with tests and measurements. The research instruments used were arm muscle strength using push-ups, hand muscle strength using a hand grip, and passing tests to the wall. 
 The results of the study can be concluded that: (1) There is a significant relationship between arm muscle strength and volleyball passing results in male athlete Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020 (tcount> ttable = 5.398> 2.262). (2) there is a significant relationship between hand muscle strength and volleyball passing results in male athlete Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020 (tcount> ttable = 6,782> 2,262). (3) there is a significant relationship between arm muscle strength and muscle strength hand on the results of the results of passing over volleyball in the male athlete Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020 (Fcount> Ftable = 32 <4.46).


  • The research objective in this thesis is to determine how much the relationship between arm muscle strength and hand muscle strength on the passing results of men's volleyball volleyball Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020

  • The results of the study can be concluded that: (1) There is a significant relationship between arm muscle strength and volleyball passing results in male athlete Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020. (2) there is a significant relationship between hand muscle strength and volleyball passing results in male athlete Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020. (3) there is a significant relationship between arm muscle strength and muscle strength hand on the results of the results of passing over volleyball in the male athlete Aek Nabara Barumun VC in 2020 (Fcount> Ftable = 32

  • Analysis passing above described movement is the attitude and body movement when performing passing up that consists of attitude and starters will make passing on, the attitude perkenaan ball, and a final gesture in doing passing on

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10. Syakir

Berdasarkan tabel diatas hasil penelitian di atas, jika ditampilkan dalam bentuk deskriptif statistik, hasilnya dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini : STATISTIK. Rangkuman hasil perhitungan uji normalitas data hasil passing atas, kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot tangan Atlet Bola Voli Putra Aek Nabara Barumun VC Tahun 2020 dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini : Variabel N. Diketahui data kekuatan otot lengan (X1) diperoleh Lhitung (0,217) < Ltabel (0,258), jadi dapat disimpulkan data kekuatan otot lengan berdistribusi normal. Data kekuatan otot tangan (X2) diperoleh Lhitung (0,162) < Ltabel (0,258), jadi dapat disimpulkan data kekuatan otot tangan berdistribusi normal. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu ada tidaknya hubungan kekuatan otot lengan dan otot tangan dengan hasil passing atas bola voli sebagai berikut: Hipotesis nol (H0) : Tidak ada hubungan kekuatan otot lengan dan kekuatan otot tangan dengan hasil passing atas bola voli. Hipotesis alternatif (Ha): Ada hubungan kekuatan otot lengan dan kekuatan otot tangan dengan hasil passing atas bola voli

Pengujian Hipotesis Pertama
Pengujian Hipotesis Kedua
Pengujian Hipotesis Ketiga
Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan dengan hasil Passing Atas
Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Tangan Terhadap Hasil Passing Atas
Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan dan Kekuatan Otot Tangan Terhadap Passing Atas
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