
Low back pain is a widespread issue affecting a significant portion of the population and is a leading cause of work-related absences. Approximately 80% of individuals experience low back pain at some point in their lives. This study involved a sample of 140 subjects selected from three universities. The research was observational, utilizing non-probability convenience sampling. The study comprised 140 patients primarily complaining of low back pain, with 42% attributing their symptoms to specific spinal injuries or lifting heavy objects, while 58% reported non-traumatic pain with a gradual onset. Among the patients, 54% experienced localized pain, while 46% had radiating pain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was conducted on all 140 patients, revealing that 48% suffered from Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc (PIVD), while the remaining 52% dealt with mechanical backaches, degenerative disorders, infective issues, and metabolic disorders. The affected vertebrae levels included L4-L5, L5-S1, L3-L4, and L2-L3. Surprisingly 98% had no awareness of their postural habits, therefore there is need to make the people aware about it.

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