
Purpose. The purpose of this work is analysis of the notion "state policy" as the relatively new notion of general-theoretical legal science and identification of its relationship with other, more traditional notions of the theory of state and law, as "state authority", "state activity", "state regulation", "state administration". Methodology. The methodology includes complex analysis and generalization of scientific and theoretical material and formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. During the research, such methods of scientific knowledge were used: comparative, terminological, functional, historical, structural. Results. It was determined that the notion “state policy” is a cognitive tool of expansion of human knowledge about state policy as complex, multidimensional social phenomena. On the current stage of its development, the theory of state and law attempts to expand the area of scientific cognition of state and legal phenomena, with the new picture of the state and legal world involve new general state and legal categories, among which the notion of “state policy” has to take one of the most important places. In the framework of the categories and concepts of the theory of state and law, it is determined through the relationship of the last with other concepts of general-theoretical legal science, characterizing connection and dependence of the state policy on state authority, state activity, state regulation, state administration. Scientific novelty. In this study, it was determined that characterizing mutual relation, connection, and dependence of the state policy with state authority, state activity, state regulation, state administration, we concluded that some of these categories (state authority, state activity) are primary, original or generic concerning state policy, other - are in relation of intersection, partial coincidence (state regulation), other categories are covered by the concept of the state policy (state administration). State policy is included in the following schematic-concept list: state authority -state activity - state policy - state regulation -state administration. Practical significance. Results of the study may be used in scientific and research activity for the improvement of the scientific ensuring of the state policy, activation of its theoretical-legal, discipline-specific and inter-disciplinary studies; in the educational process - for preparation of educational and educational and methodological materials and use during the presentation (lecturing) of Theory of state and law, constitutional, administrative law, political studies, state administration, and other social and humanitarian disciplines.

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