
The Eating Assessment Tool-10 (EAT-10) represents a validated, easy to administer patient report dysphagia severity scale. Although its ability to detect swallowing impairment has been investigated in other patient populations, the utility of this instrument in individuals with head and neck cancer (HNC) has not been studied. The aim of the current investigation was to determine the relationship between patient ratings of swallowing impairment (EAT-10) and objective clinical ratings of swallow physiology in individuals with HNC. Forty-four HNC participants completed the EAT-10 and a standardized videofluoroscopy swallow study. Blinded raters determined airway safety using the penetration-aspiration scale (PAS) and swallowing function using the modified barium swallow impairment profile (MBSImP™©). Participants were stratified into three groups (pre-treatment through 1year post-treatment, 1-5yearspost-treatment, and >5yearspost-treatment). Independent t tests, Pearson's and Spearman's Rho correlations, and a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons were performed. EAT-10 scores were significantly higher in HNC patients with unsafe swallowing (M 24.45, SD 8.32) compared to those with safe swallowing (M 16.20, SD 12.14), t(21)=-2.36, p <0.04. Significant correlations were revealed between EAT-10 scores and the MBSImP™© (pharyngeal composite), and PAS scores (p<0.05) for the pre-treatment to within 1year post-treatmentgroup. No associations, however, were observed for HNC patients in the time groups representing greater than 1-year post cancer treatment.

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