
Soil health is the capacity of a soil to function as a living system, with ecosystem and land use boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality and promote plant and animal health. The present study was conducted through Ex-post Facto research design and multistage sampling method. Total 150 farmers were selected from fifteen villages belongs to Deesa, Dantiwada and Palanpur talukas of Banaskantha district of Gujarat state. The present study revealed that the overall farmers had medium level of knowledge about soil health management practices. Whereas, practice-wise knowledge level of soil health management practices indicated that, in case of soil testing nearly three fifth (58.67%) of the farmers were well aware of the soil type of their field. While in Integrated Nutrient management vast majority (94.66%) of the farmers had correct knowledge on primary nutrients needed for soil. Whereas, in case of soil reclamation nearly three fifth (58.66%) of the farmers had correct knowledge on what is added to reclaim acidic soil. In case of agronomical practices vast majority (90.66%) of the farmers had correct knowledge on leguminous crops. Twelve independent and two dependent variables were selected for study. The independent variable viz., education, herd size, occupation, annual income, social participation, crop intensity, source of information and innovativeness had positive and significant with knowledge level on soil health management practices. While, age and farming experience had negative and significant correlation with knowledge level on soil health management practices. Whereas, family size had negative and non-significant correlation with knowledge level on soil health management practices.

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