
Muscle power in the lower extremities and body sway were measured in 57 healthy young women volunteers in their 20's. Body sway was measured with a stabilimeter for 30 sec during two-leg standing, and for 10 sec during one-leg standing with the eyes open or closed, alternating between right and left legs (5 times each). The measured parameters of body sway were locus length per time unit, locus length per environmental area, environmental area, rectangle area, root mean square area, and the ratio of sway with eyes closed to sway with eyes open. Knee flexor and extensor power and toe flexor and abductor power were the measures representing lower extremity muscle power. The increase in sway with the eyes closed was more marked during one-leg standing than two-leg standing, as expected. We found that 36 of 57 subjects (62%) were unable to maintain one-leg standing with their eyes closed, and this failure correlated with marked body sway (P = 0.0086). Many subjects had one leg that was classified as stable and the other leg classified as unstable. Clearly, testing of both legs alternately with eyes closed is necessary to measure the full range of sway in subjects. Lower extremity muscle power did not appear to be the dominant factor in maintaining balance in these young subjects.

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