
Feed quality is not only in terms of nutrition but also from physical quality. Good physical quality will increase feed consumption and improve the performance of broilers finisher phase. One feed that is usually given is pellets. This research aims to determine the effect of using molasses, tapioca flour and bentonite binder on relationship between pellet durability index and hardness of pellet for broiler finisher phase. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were feed of broiler finisher phase with the addition of binder, as follows: P0 (without binder); P1 (molasses 2%); P2 (tapioca flour 2%) and P3 (bentonite 2%). To determine the relationship between pellet durability index (Y) and hardness (X) using simple linear regression analysis. The research results showed that the pellet durability index is strongly influenced by the level of pellet hardness where the higher hardness value will increase pellet durability index, with a correlation of 79.80%.

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