
The prevalence of natural mucosal antibody to the capsular polysaccharide (polyribosylribitolphosphate [PRP]) of Haemophilus influenzae type b in adults at multiple secretory sites and the relationship between natural serum and mucosal antibodies with respect to their amount and fine binding specificity were examined. All of 16 lactating women had antibody to PRP in serum and mammary samples; 11 of 14 studied had nasal antibody and 12 of 14 had salivary antibody. The amount of serum antibody to PRP in an individual positively correlated with the amount of mucosal antibody at each of the three secretory sites examined, and the antibody amount between certain secretions were also positively correlated. Antibody to PRP that is cross-reactive with Escherichia coli K100 or Streptococcus pneumoniae type 6 capsular polysaccharides was detected in the secretions of seven and one subjects, respectively, but the amount was not correlated with serum cross-reactive antibody.

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