
ABO blood group has been divulged as a risk factor for perceptible diseased states. The ABO blood group differences may put a patient at specific risk according to their inherited antigens among the obstetrical syndromes like Intrauterine growth restriction, Pre-eclampsia and pre-term labour. Studies conducted have shown Group O individuals had lowest plasma von Willebrand factor and non O group had elevated level of this factor which showed increased thrombotic risk among these individuals. The earlier studies conducted have focused only on preeclampsia but not on other complications of pregnancy and the data available is scarce. The study aims to determine whether maternal ABO blood groups contribute to adverse pregnancy outcomes especially in this part of the country.The study was conducted on 50 pregnant women who were having complications of pregnancy including preeclampsia (PE), cases of Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), Gestational Diabetes mellitus (GDM) were considered as study cases and 50 pregnant women with normal pregnancy without any complications were categorized as controls. The study was conducted for a period of 6 months among patients attending Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Adichunchanagiri hospital selected based on convenience sampling procedure. Maternal ABO Blood group of the subjects were determined by Haemagglutination technique.Relationship between maternal ABO Blood group and Pregnancy complications (PE, PIH.GDM) was estimated by calculating odds ratio from logistic regression models using Blood Group O as a reference group and p – value of < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. The results of the present study have found that maternal AB blood group was highest among preeclampsia and PIH category of cases.The present study conducted have found maternal AB blood group was highest among PIH and preeclampsia category of casesFrom the study conducted we want to conclude non-O blood group had the highest risk compared to O Blood group among pregnancy complications.

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