
Impulsiveness is the term used to describe or demonstrate behaviour that involves little to no deliberation, planning, or evaluation of the effects of a decision, especially when it entails taking risks. Boredom proneness, a persistent individual difference feature linked to a wide range of favourable outcomes, is defined by both frequent and strong feelings of boredom. The psychological trait of impulsivity has a lengthy history of research and many established correlations with other qualities and outcomes in life. However, it is hardly ever examined outside of the West, it raises concerns about how broadly it can be applied. It is crucial to remember that boredom and impulsivity are complex concepts that can be affected by a range of variables, including individual characteristics, environmental circumstances, and situational context. Consequently, the relationship between the two might change based on people and circumstances. In general, impulsivity and boredom are distinct concepts, although they can interact and have an impact on one another. Understanding how these two components interact can help us understand human motivation, behaviour, and psychological health. In the current study we are examining the connection between impulsivity and boredom proneness and how it influences an individual.

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