
Morphological and functional changes during senility give rise to changes to organs and tissues. Even in healthy dogs, laboratory parameters may differ, thus making preventive treatment difficult. The aim of this study was to evaluate hematological and biochemical parameters in elderly and geriatric dogs and to compare them for follow-up and possible worsening of prognosis. Thirty-four apparently healthy dogs living in the city of Ribeirão Pires, SP, were included in this study, divided into two groups: elderly (8-11,9 years) and geriatric (12 years or more). Two blood samples were taken with an interval of 20 days between them, to determine blood counts and urea, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and blood glucose levels. The statistical analysis showed that this was a homogeneous group, since the only difference found between the elderly and geriatric dogs was in urea values (elderly > geriatric, p = 0.010), while in the hematological tests there were no differences between the groups or collection times. Even so, changes in test results occurred: 53% in hematological tests and 74% in biochemical tests, respectively. This highlights the importance of laboratory evaluations for prognoses and, consequently, improves the quality of life and wellbeing of dogs.

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