
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease starts with liver fat accumulation which is a dangerous factor for diseaseprogression. So, we aimed to determine some biochemical parameters among patients with NAFLDand healthy individuals. Sixty patients with NAFLD and thirtyhealthy control who were attendingGastroenterology and Hepatology Teaching Hospital/Baghdad during the period from August /2019 to March/2020. Which included age, sex, BMI, and abdominal ultrasound result with other medical information. Thenall the biochemical test is done by Autoanalyzer, while serum galectin 3 binding protein andserum retinol4 binding protein measured using ELISAtechnique.Our study found that obesity (70%) and dyslipidemia(50%) were more common in patients with NAFLD than other metabolic diseases. NAFLD subjects showahighly significant elevated (p=0.000) in the mean ± SD of BMI, FBS, HbA1, ALP, triglyceride, VLDL,GGT, and G3BP comparedto the healthy controls. Also,serum ALT, total bilirubin, cholesterol, and RBP4were highly significantly elevated (p=0.001) in the mean ± SD of NAFLD when compared tomean± SD ofhealthy control.However, it revealed a significant raise (P=0.027) in the mean ± SD of the serum albuminin the NAFLD patients when compared to the mean ± SD of the healthy control and a significant elevated(P=0.002)in the mean ± SD of the LDL in the NAFLD patients and healthy control. But showed a significantdecrease (P=0.029) in the mean ± SD of the serum HDL of the NAFLD patient when compared tothe mean± SD of the healthy control.Finally, we found that the optimal cut-off value for GGT was >25 IU/l withsensitivity and specificity (93.33% and 70%) respectively and RBP4 has an optimal cut-off value >22.28 ng/ml with sensitivity and specificity (83.33% and 56.67 %) respectively. Therefore, the optimal cut-off valuewas > 9.49 ng/ml for G3BP with sensitivity and specificity (93.33 % and 83.33% ) respectively.

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