
Studies have been carried out investigating the possibility that the lipoprotein lipase content of fat tissue is influenced by factors which also govern the concentration of free fatty acids. Epididymal fat pads from fed rats were incubated for 3 hours with or without test compounds and lipoprotein lipase activity measured on acetone powder preparation of the pads. The in vitro addition of ACTH, TSH, glucagon and theophylline led to a partial but highly significant inhibition of lipoprotein lipase. The feeding of propylthiouracil which reduces the intracellular breakdown of triglyceride, augmented lipoprotein lipase activity. The addition of albumin to the incubation medium also raised the tissue content of lipoprotein lipase. These studies suggest the presence of a reciprocal relationship between the activity of lipoprotein lipase and some factors which regulate intracellular lipolysis in adipose tissue.

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