
The present study aimed to examine the relationship betweenschool bullying and empathy among preadolescents. Bullying was studiedacross three dimensions of being a bully, victim, and fighting, whereasempathy was examined as a unidimensional construct. Data werecollected from preadolescents between ages 10-12 years in DistrictHaripur. Descriptive statistics, frequencies/percentages, correlation, andt-tests were performed. The findings showed that there is a negativerelationship between school bullying and empathy, and less empathicpreadolescents were more tended to bully and fight more than moreempathic. An equal number of participants reported fighting with othersand bullying them in one last month. However, a large majority reportedbeing the victims of bullying 7 or more times in the last 30 days (52,36.4%). The level of empathy was in the moderate to high range among178 students and low among 22 students. Boys scored higher on alldimensions of bullying and were less empathic than girls. These findingshighlight the need for the screening, prevention, and intervention of schoolbullying. Can help teachers, parents, school administrators, and counselorsto eradicate aggressive behavior.

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