
This study examined the relationship among upgrades in academic qualifications, practice accreditations, self-efficacy, outcome expectations and nurses' career interest. Interest in the nursing career could help retain nurses in the nursing profession. A global nurse shortage warrants further research to understand what drives interest in the nursing career. A cross-sectional design was employed. Data were collected in a medical centre in Northern Taiwan between February and March 2017, using employee records and a survey instrument. Proportionate random sampling was used to identify full-time registered nurses, of whom 524 provided useable responses. Employee records were used to measure nurses' upgrades in academic qualifications and practice accreditation. Upgrades in academic qualifications and upgrades in practice accreditation are positively related to outcome expectations. Both self-efficacy and outcome expectations are positively related to career interest. The pursuit of upgrades in academic qualifications and practice accreditation could enhance nurses' outcome expectations, thus enhancing their interest in a nursing career. Hospital managers could develop policies, procedures and programmes to encourage nurses to enhance their academic qualifications or practice accreditation, helping enhance their interest in remaining in the nursing career.

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