
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Congo on July 7, 1960, the ties between USSR and Africa have faced a big challenge. During the difficult years for Congo, after liberation from colonial dependence, the Soviet Union has always advocated the country’s territorial integrity and the internal problems diplomatic solution. However, the bloodshed in Congo could not be avoided. Despite the Soviet support of the legitimate Congo government headed by P. Lumumba, the Western countries, which did not want to lose their positions in resource-rich Congo have found a way to achieve a victory. A military coup led by Joseph-Desire Mobutu took place in the country and national leader Patrice Lumumba was killed in consequence of a murder plot. Moreover, Western countries have managed to use the UN headed by Dag Hammarskjöld for their own purposes, and it only aggravated the situation in the country. The purpose of the study is to reveal the key points of Soviet-African relations in the most difficult period for Congo - the beginning of 1960s. Basing on the documents of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the fundamental works of Russian and foreign Africanist historians, as well as the author’s own work experience in a number of African countries, the author focuses on the analyses of the Soviet Union efforts during the decolonization years, which aim was to stabilize the situation and establish the legitimate rule in the country. The author applies a systematic approach to study political institutions of power, the author also rely on the historical method to study the change of political formations, and an event analysis approach to summarize the information collected about the specific political situation. The author comes to the conclusion that today Africans cooperate only with those who supports their national interests, maintains the security or sovereignty, and comes to the rescue in case of humanitarian disasters and climatic cataclysms. In contrast to 1960s, Africa from a backward continent turned into a full-fledged player on the world arena, occupying important positions in the system of international relations. The voice of African leaders is heard from the UN General Assembly. In this regard, it is important to formulate new approaches and concepts of interaction with African states giving them if not priority, then at least not the last place in the foreign policy of Russia.


  • Despite the Soviet support of the legitimate Congo government headed by P. Lumumba

  • which did not want to lose their positions in resource-rich Congo have found a way to achieve a victory

  • A military coup led by Joseph-Desire Mobutu took place in the country

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Отношения между СССР и Демократической Республикой Конго в начале 1960‐х гг.: зигзаги истории. Западным странам удалось использовать в своих целях ООН во главе с Генеральным секретарем Дагом Хаммаршельдом, что лишь способствовало обострению ситуации в Конго. Цель данной работы состоит в раскрытии ключевых моментов советско-африканских отношений в наиболее трудный период становления независимости Конго в начале 1960-х гг. Автор делает акцент на усилиях Советского Союза по стабилизации обстановки и установлению легитимной власти в стране в годы деколонизации, опираясь на документальные материалы МИД России, фундаментальные труды российских и зарубежных историковафриканистов, а также на собственный опыт работы в ряде африканских стран. Ключевые слова: Африка, Конго, Заир, Советский Союз, Россия, ООН, деколонизация, внешняя политика. Отношения между СССР и Демократической Республикой Конго в начале 1960-х гг.: зигзаги истории // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов.

Ухудшение отношений между СССР и Заиром
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