
The article examines Russian-Chinese relations in the context of the emergence of a new world order. The author emphasizes that Russia and China consider each other as priority partners, always respect each other’s interests, becoming a model of relations between great powers. The countries maintain close exchanges and contacts at all levels, exchange views on major issues of mutual interest, strengthen mutual trust and develop cooperation in various fi elds. Russia and China have always adhered to the principles of non-alignment with blocs, non-confrontation, and they are not directed against a third party. They develop bilateral relations and cooperation in various fi elds on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefi t, which brings tangible benefi ts to the people of the two countries and also contributes to global development. China and Russia take common positions on most issues on the international agenda and are strengthening cooperation within the UN, SCO, BRICS, APEC, G20 and other multilateral platforms. They cooperate closely on global and regional issues, such as the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, the situation in Afghanistan and the Iranian nuclear issue. When Russia and China join forces, global multipolarity and democratization of international relations will receive new impetus, which will guarantee global strategic balance and stability. Meetings between the leaders of Russia and China become the compass and anchor of Russian-Chinese relations, laying a solid foundation for deepening bilateral cooperation. Under the strategic leadership of the two heads of state, the Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation will continue to move forward in the new era. The leaders of China and Russia agree that against the backdrop of unprecedented changes taking place today in the system of international relations, Russian-Chinese relations have reached unprecedented heights. The author comes to the conclusion that, in general, Russian-Chinese relations have not only withstood many new challenges, but have also strengthened signifi cantly over the past year.

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