
The Sveconorwegian and Grenville orogenic belts display widespread 1.19–1.13 Ga Early Grenvillian continental magmatism including A-type granitoids. In the Sveconorwegian province, S Norway, bimodal 1.17–1.14 Ga metavolcanic rocks of the Telemark sector are part of this magmatism. Volcanic rocks in low- to medium-metamorphic grade are interlayered with immature and locally conglomeratic clastic metasediments and covered by a thick metasedimentary sequence. Minor unconformities are reported. New zircon U–Pb data are presented and integrated in a revised stratigraphy of the Telemark supracrustal rocks. A metarhyodacite at the base of the Nore group yields a crystallisation age of 1169±9 Ma and displays 1.7–1.5 Ga inherited zircon grains (SIMS data). A metarhyolite situated below sandstone of the Heddal group yields a crystallisation age of 1159±8 Ma. In the cover sequence, a metasandstone of the Heddal group has detrital zircon grains in the intervals 2.86–2.41 and 1.94–1.11 Ga (34 analysed grains) and a metasandstone of the Kalhovd formation in the intervals 2.85–2.74 and 2.00–1.05 Ga (41 analysed grains). These metasediments were deposited after 1121±15 Ma and 1065±11 Ma, respectively and were transformed by 1.01 Ga Late Sveconorwegian deformation and metamorphism. The metasedimentary rocks contain a significant amount of regionally derived clasts. Two deformed A-type granite metaplutons yield zircon U–Pb intrusion ages of 1146±5 Ma (Eiddal) and 1153±2 Ma (Haglebu, ID–TIMS data). The 1.19–1.13 Ga magmatism is distributed in the western part of the Sveconorwegian province, in the Telemark, Bamble and Rogaland–Vest Agder sectors, indicating that these sectors were part of a single plate at that time, which is characterised by a thin lithosphere today. The A-type geochemical signature of the felsic magmatism and the continental lithosphere signature of the associated mafic volcanism point to a continental non-compressional tectonic regime. The overlap in time between widespread 1.19–1.13 Ga continental magmatism, intermontane basin formation and Early Sveconorwegian 1.15–1.12 Ga granulite-facies metamorphism recorded in the Bamble sector suggest a thermal pulse linked to upflow of asthenospheric mantle. Deposition of the cover of clastic sediments between 1.12 and 1.01 Ga possibly reflects thermal subsidence after the 1.19–1.13 Ga event and before the Late Sveconorwegian (1.03–0.95 Ga) orogenic phases. An analogy between the 1.19–1.13 Ga evolution of the Sveconorwegian province and the Cenozoic formation of the Basin and Range province in USA is discussed.

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