
Visual categories that largely share the same set of local parts cannot be discriminated based on part information alone, as they mostly differ in the way the local parts relate to the overall global structure of the object. We propose Relational Proxies, a novel approach that leverages the relational information between the global and local views of an object for encoding its semantic label, even for categories it has not encountered during training. Starting with a rigorous formalization of the notion of distinguishability between categories that share attributes, we prove the necessary and sufficient conditions that a model must satisfy in order to learn the underlying decision boundaries to tell them apart. We design Relational Proxies based on our theoretical findings and evaluate it on seven challenging fine-grained benchmark datasets and achieve state-of-the-art results on all of them, surpassing the performance of all existing works with a margin exceeding 4% in some cases. We additionally show that Relational Proxies also generalizes to the zero-shot setting, where it can efficiently leverage emergent relationships among attributes and image views to generalize to unseen categories, surpassing current state-of-the-art in both the non-generative and generative settings. Implementation will be made public upon acceptance.

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