
Due to the fact that extraverted and introverted personalities are rather different, especially in the context of foreign language learning, teachers and learners often believe that these two personality types have different learning habits and require different learning environments. Moreover, teachers and learners often believe that extraverts are more successful at foreign language learning because they easily communicate in the foreign language and overcome their anxiety without much difficulty. For that reason we aim to determine whether there is a difference between extraverted and introverted students in terms of their foreign language proficiency and in order to establish that we rely on the EPQR-S to determine the students’ personality type and the final grade from the previous semester, the grade from the previous English test and the score from the Language and Skills Test to determine the participants’ foreign language proficiency. The participants who took part in this research were N=60 first and second grade students from a medical high school in Novi Sad aged 15 to 17. The results from this research were analyzed quantitatively and, based on the results, we can conclude that introverts are slightly more proficient than extraverted students, but taking into consideration the manner of assessment of English language proficiency, this result must be taken with caution and serves as an indicator of deeper issues that point to the need for a relatively individualized classroom approach in which teachers pay attention to their students’ personality and modify their approach to learning and assessment accordingly.

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