
The purpose of this study is to look into the relationship between Protocol Test Digital Sit and Reach (DSR) with Back Saver Sits and Reach (BSR) among students aged 10 in primary school. This study is designed based upon the correlation method between the test score and the descriptive statistical analysis. Total (N = 60) students aged 10 years from SKJalan Hang Tuah 2, Kuala Lumpur was chosen as samples. The results on the validity showedstrong correlation between DSR and BSR (r = 0.93, p = 0.001, p<0.001), meanwhile the reliability of DSR (r = 0.97, N = 60, p<0.001). Overall, DSRcan be used to assess the flexibility of the biceps femoris and back of the body. However, the DSR instruments should be tested with large populations to determine the validity and reliability of a more consistent.

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