
Two metallic bulk glasses, Cu 60Zr 30Ti 10 and Cu 47Ti 33Zr 11Ni 8Si 1, with a diameter of 3 mm were prepared by copper mold casting method. Dilatometric measurement was carried out on the two glassy alloys to obtain information about the average nearest-neighbour distance r 0 and the effective depth of pair potential V 0 . By assuming a Lennard-Jones potential, r 0 and V 0 were calculated to be 0.28 nm and 0.16 eV for Cu 60Zr 30Ti 10 and 0.27 nm and 0.13 eV for Cu 47Ti 33Zr 11Ni 8Si 1, respectively. It was found that the glassy alloy Cu 60Zr 30Ti 10 was more stable than Cu 47Ti 33Zr 11Ni 8Si 1 against heating from both experiment and calculation.

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