
Livedo reticularis (LR) is a characteristic netlike violaceous discoloration caused by a physiologic or pathologic cutaneous blood flow disturbance. Cutaneous vasculature consists of cones of arterioles whose margins have diminished arterial but prominent venous flow. Therefore, impeded blood flow through the skin can increase deoxyhemoglobin concentration, producing livid coloration in marginal zone venous areas.1 Benign causes include cutis marmorata and asymptomatic idiopathic LR. Diseases associated with LR include vessel wall disease, intravascular obstruction, and endocrine diseases.1-3 Rare clinical reports of LR associated with pancreatitis “Walzel’s Sign” exist.4 We describe a patient with asymmetric relapsing LR of the flank temporally associated with painful flares of her chronic pancreatitis.

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