
Background: One of the most crucial but discouraging features of the outcome of substance use disorder is relapse. The factors predicting this event must be understood to be considered for future interventions.Aim: This study aimed to assess factors related to relapse and stigma among patients with substance use disorder.Methods: A sample of 53 relapsed patients were recruited from the outpatient clinic of the addiction unit at Mansoura university hospital. Tools of data collection: Structured questionnaires were utilized. It included 3 parts. Part I: to assess socio-demographic characteristics. Part 2: Questionnaire about factors related to relapse among substance use disorder patients. Part 3: the perceived stigma of substance abuse scale.Results: It was found that relapse dimensions represented from the greatest to the lowest mean score as the following: unpleasant emotions, craving, good feelings, disruption of relationship, physical pain, peer pressure, and family problems, which was estimated as the following; 12.81±3.52, 5.94±3.15, 4.36±2.38, 10.21±5.45, 14.23±4.19, 11.00±4.00, 4.21±1.47, 10.13±3.06. A statistically significant positive correlation between stigma score and (craving, loss of control, peer pressure, pleased emotions, non-pleased emotions, physical pain, and disturbed relationship) domains of relapse scale.Conclusion: It was concluded that perceived stigma of patients with substance use disorder was one of the risk factors predicting relapse in these patients, also there was a significant positive correlation between all dimensions of relapse and some socio-demographic and clinical characteristics such as single marital status, unemployment, in debt economic status, and previous admission.Recommendation: Developing future preventive programs for protection against factors related to relapse including stigma.

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