
Abstract: Over time, arguments have been on the need to separate religion from politics in order not to render the noble objectives of both phenomena defeated. Meanwhile, the reverse has been the case and despite the fact that the Nigerian constitution proclaims Nigeria as a secular state, religion continues to cast an ominous shadow on the country’s governance and its inherent power relations. Religion has further become a tool with which people seek political power. This study, therefore, is an attempt to examine the interplay between religion and politics within the Nigerian state’s power architecture. The dimension the interplay takes, forms part of the concern of this study, so also are the political and development implications of the politicization of religion for governance in Nigeria. To achieve this, the study utilizes both primary and secondary data, whilst adopting a content-analysis approach in its analysis. Findings and analyses clearly expose the politicians’ religious intricacies in their desperation to win and maintain their grips on political power by all means, including manipulating religion for personal political ends. The implications of this, as revealed by facts, are the production of manipulative crop of leaders in governance, and creation of artificial religious crisis among adherents of different religious beliefs and faith. Tougher sanctions are recommended for criminal misuse and manipulation of religion for political ends among all cadres of the population.

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