
The concept of freedom of association for trade union rights provided for in Law No. 21 of 2000 on Trade Unions, aimed at providing protection of workers, and improve the welfare of workers. But social facts to still many industrial dispute, and there were so many layoffs. Legal research methods to use social research. So in this perspective, freedom of association for trade union rights are not viewed from the norms of the country, but seen from the values of living in society, although freedom of association rights are influenced by state regulations. Construction of freedom of association for trade union rights as set out in Law No. 21 of 2000 on Trade Unions, still reflects the capitalistic character. The impact caused the number of industrial disputes and layoffs for workers, because employers view workers as a factor of production rather than as business partners. So the necessary reconstruction of freedom of association rights for workers with social justice based values to create a harmonious industrial relations. A reconstruction model using prismatic law, which took a good system of capitalistic model and the socialist model and the model adapted Pancasila industrial relations with the values of Indonesian.Keywords : Reconstruction, Freedom Right of Association, trade unions, justice


  • Trade Unions, aimed at providing protection of workers, and improve the welfare of workers

  • freedom of association for trade union rights are not viewed from the norms of the country

  • although freedom of association rights are influenced by state regulations

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Laporan Dirjend Pembinaan dan Pengawasan Depnaker

Sumber: Ditjen PHI dan Jamsostek, Depnakertrans, Desember 2007. 1993, hlm. 4. Sumber: Ditjen PHI dan Jamsostek, Depnakertrans, Desember 2007. Pada waktu hukum modern menyebar ke berbagai penjuru dunia, maka hukum modern masuk juga ke bangsa-bangsa di dunia yang memiliki basis kultural yang berbeda dengan. Bangsa Indonesia memiliki basis kultural atau kosmologi sendiri yang berbeda dengan kosmologi negara-negara Barat, yaitu bersifat kolektif (tidak individual), keserasian-keseimbangan (harmoni), musyawarah dan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai spiritualitas. Bangsa Indonesia yang demikian terumuskan ke dalam Pancasila yang merupakan moral positif

Bangsa Indonesia atau dapat dikatakan bahwa
Pekerja Pada Hubungan Industrial Berbasis Nilai
Berserikat Melalui Penggunaan Hukum Berprespektif Keadilan
Berserikat Bagi Serikat Pekerja Yang Berbasis
Influential Modern Positivist in The English Speaking
Serikat Pekerja dengan nilai Keadilan sosial
Pembentukan serikat pekerja
Kepengurusan dan Pengelolaan Serikat Pekerja
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